Feb 12, 2007

Sleep Fact Countdown: #32

The NRMA estimates fatigue is involved in one in 6 fatal road accidents.

This is precisely why I've been paying more attention to being responsible and napping before driving or not driving when I'm sleepy.

For example, the other day my Pops called and wanted to know if I wanted to go out to lunch. While, I didn't want to turn down free food (Im a poor skinny college kid!), I had to because I needed to nap before I went somewhere. I mean like really really needed to nap.

I might have been okay, without the nap, but when people's lives are at stakes, why roll the dice when I don't have to.

I sort of feel like Spider-man (don't laugh!) and the whole "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" thing. As a Narcoleptic, I have to really pay attention to certain decisions I make, such as driving. I just wish my great power was shooting webs from my wrists and not napping all the time!



Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,
Thanks for the kind words..*hug*

How are you? Feel free to drop by anytime. Why don't you sign up at Live Desktops? I don't bit and free prizes to be won. No spam or anything just pure fun..

Enjoy the rest of your day..*hugs*

Anonymous said...

Oh another way to meet other bloggers is to sign up at www.myblog.com It is like my space but better.. You can find me under the username (peety)
