Mar 9, 2007

Today's Auditory Hallucination

Just as I was falling asleep, I was thinking about my ex-girlfriend or something and somewhere in that land between asleep and really asleep (Narcoleptics are never really awake, we are just either sleepy, asleep or really asleep ...) I definitely heard a knock on my bedroom door.

I don't know if I was thinking it was her or what, but it brought me back from being asleep to that hazy concious state and I awoke, thinking no way did someone just knock on my door, had to be a hallucination. It was odd, normally if a hallucination occurs my heart is racing and I'm freaking out, or I'll at least have to seriously consider, "Did someone knock? Am I being abducted by aliens or can I go back to sleep?"

But today I woke up and it was so preposterous to me that their could have been a knock on my door I didn't even remotely consider it.

I've woken up and had to consider if there really was a murder in my ex-girlfriend's apartment, a ghost on my stairs at home, that I heard music when every electrical item was off. However, someone knocking on my door ... NOOOOO WAY is that possible! Just laught it off and go back to bed.

Then again maybe I was abducted by aliens and the knock I heard was me being teleported back to my bed. I just hope that I threw off all the data they've been collecting on humans and sleep. :)

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